My leopard gecko tank set-up :-)
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There are lot of things that other leopard gecko owners have to say on taking care of leopard geckos. I look at what I know will work and what I have experienced...

I have a set-up tank, a starter, at 10 gallons, that accomodates Brittani. I have a rock-like, shallow water bowl and it's filled with water when dirty. I also have two habba-huts:
1) One that I had bought a year ago, at the Reptile Show, black with no bottom.

2) The other is for my other gecko, it's a homemade ziploc container that has a bottom to it. Now,I have a 20 gallon tank.

I have an undertank tank heater that is made for 10-20 gallons of tank space.
I have blue calcium sand that is edible and healthy, much better to clean!A few pieces of small slate, to make the tank look more like desert ground, etc... A background picture to look like a desert, *all around.* And a solid tank cover to keep the warmth in.

For my 20 gallon tank, I have the same blue sand, a fake 'non-pricable' catcus plant, and an empty toilet tissue paper roll
*Now just because I have this sort of set up doesn't mean that you can not be creative with your own*


  If you have any other ideas of how to make an awesome tank set-up, or a homemade incubator or any thing that really works...! Please e-mail me and I will reconstruct my page.

